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As you grow older, your face develops signs of aging. The two main changes are loss of volume and sagging skin. Our facelift in Bend addresses these changes with a combination of removing skin and adding volume. Dr. Vial is a firm believer in restoring your natural and original beauty rather than modifying your facial features. He uses the most effective techniques to reintroduce you to your younger self while ensuring natural-looking results. It’s important to emphasize that a facelift restores your youthful and original beauty without changing the aspects of your face that make you unique. Dr. Vial favors modifications that make you look natural, avoiding the “pulled” look.

How does a
facelift work?

Facelift, or rhytidectomy, is a surgical procedure that reverses the signs of aging and aims to rejuvenate the face. Dr Vial makes strategic incisions to trim away excess skin tissues, remove unwanted fat, add needed fat, and tighten the underlying tissues. Dr. Vial believes that restoring volume to the face is as important as removing excess skin. He is trained in advanced fat grafting techniques that use unwanted fat from other areas of the body to volumize the face.

client after a facelift in bend, or

What does a facelift treat?

  • Jowls: the excess sagging tissue along the jawline
  • Mid-face decent: the falling tissues surrounding the eye including the cheeks
  • Nasolabial folds and marionette lines: the heavy lines surrounding the mouth at the junction of the cheek.
  • Facial wrinkles and lines
  • Excessive skin laxity
  • Loss of facial volume

Who is a candidate for a facelift?

In general, candidates for a facelift in Bend:

  • Are in good physical and mental health
  • Do not have underlying medical conditions that preclude surgery
  • Are non-smokers or are willing to stop smoking one month before and one month after the procedure
  • Do not use nicotine products, or are willing to stop using products one month before and one month after the procedure (gum, chews, patch, vape)
  • Are not exposed to second-hand smoke
  • Have realistic expectations from the surgery
  • Want to reverse the signs of facial aging
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How is facelift performed?

Your facelift journey will start with a consultation with Dr. Vial. He will listen to your concerns and expectations, examine your facial skin, and discuss your facelift options. Dr. Vial creates a customized treatment plan for your facelift to ensure results that address your specific goals.

Facelift is performed as an outpatient procedure, usually under sedation anesthesia. The day of surgery, Dr. Vial marks your face and reverifies the planned scars with you. Once you are under sedation, Dr. Vial makes concealed incisions on your face in line with your surgical plan. The length of the incisions depends on the amount of excess skin — larger incisions are necessary to remove larger amounts of skin. Once the skin is removed and the underlying facial structures are contoured the skin is closed. In some cases, liposuction may be used to harvest fat for fat grafting. For fat grafting, Dr Vial will introduce a small cannula through your skin and remove excess fat using vacuum, process the fat and inject it into the face. There are no dressings; most patients wear a scarf to help conceal swelling and bruising.

What are my facelift options?

  • Full-Facelift: This technique addresses the signs of aging on the upper, mid, and lower facial regions, including the neck. This procedure is suitable for patients with excessive skin laxity on all areas of the face.
  • Mini-Facelift: This technique addresses the signs of aging on the lower half of the face.
  • Mid-Facelift: This technique addresses signs of aging from the mid-face region.

What is the recovery process after a facelift?

How you recover in the three months after your surgery determines the outcome for years to come. Dr. Vial will provide a list of step-by-step recovery guidelines after your surgery. You will need to take 1-2 weeks off work, depending on the facelift technique; you can expect to start wearing makeup over the same period. You will have swelling that mostly resolves in 1-2 weeks and bruising that lasts 3-4 weeks. Dr. Vial will provide an overview of your recovery journey with step-by-step instructions to ensure a smooth recovery process.

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What are the
risks of a facelift?

Dr. Vial prioritizes safety above all else and performs your facelift in Bend using the latest surgical techniques. He only works with board-certified anesthesiologists and certified nurses to ensure optimal and consistent results. However, all surgeries, including facelift, carry inherent risks that Dr. Vial will discuss during your consultation.

The complications unique to facelift that are reported nationally include but are not limited to:

  • Asymmetry
  • Changes in skin color (rare)
  • Loss of facial movement (very rare)
client after a facelift in bend, or

Why choose Dr. Vial for your facelift?

Dr. Vial is a board-certified plastic surgeon with extensive training and experience in facial surgery. He has trained at the world’s best institutions where many of these procedures continue to be advanced. He makes safety a top priority and has developed a reputation for beautiful, natural results.