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Enlarged labia is a common condition that affects more than 50% of women. It can lead to chafing in clothing, bulges in swimsuits, and tugging during intercourse. Commonly, the labia minora, the inner fold of the vulva, is enlarged. Labial hypertrophy can be treated successfully with surgery.

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What is labiaplasty?

Labiaplasty is the surgical procedure that contours the labia to a size and shape that is consistent with a natural appearing vulva.

Who is a candidate for labiaplasty?

In general, candidates for labiaplasty:

  • Are in good physical and mental health
  • Do not have underlying medical conditions that preclude surgery
  • Are non-smokers or are willing to stop smoking one month before and one month after the procedure
  • Do not use nicotine products, or are willing to stop using products one month before and one month after the procedure (gum, chews, patch, vape)
  • Are not exposed to second-hand smoke
  • Have realistic expectations from the surgery
  • Want to improve the appearance of redundant labial tissues

What are the types of labiaplasty?

  • Trim labiaplasty: excess tissue from the labia minora’s outer edge is trimmed leaving behind the pink edge. This method is suitable for those who seek a youthful, pink labial appearance.
  • Wedge labiaplasty: excess tissue is removed in a V-shaped wedge from the labia minora. The wedge method preserves the natural color of the outer labial edge.
  • Clitoral hood reduction: redundant skin from the clitoral hood is excised and contoured.
  • Labia majora reduction: labia majora is reduced with surgical contouring.
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How is labiaplasty performed?

Your labiaplasty journey starts with a consultation with Dr. Vial. Dr. Vial performs an exam and discusses your goals and expectations. Based on your unique condition and expectations, he creates the ideal surgical plan for you.

Labiaplasty is performed as an outpatient procedure, usually under local anesthesia with a combination of topical and injectable numbing medications. The day of surgery, Dr. Vial reverifies the planned scars with you. Dr. Vial then removes excess labial tissue and creates the desired labial shape according to your surgical plan. All wounds are closed with absorbable suture.

What is the recovery
process after labiaplasty?

How you recover in the three months after your surgery determines the outcome for years to come. Dr. Vial will provide a list of step-by-step recovery guidelines after your surgery. The use of ice packs will markedly reduce the amount of post-operative swelling and discomfort in the first 24 hours after surgery. You will remove dressings the morning after surgery and apply a new sanitary napkin daily. You can shower 48 hours after surgery and resume light activity. Strenuous activity should be avoided for 3-4 weeks. You can resume limited sexual activity 8 weeks after surgery.

woman's legs

What are the risks of labiaplasty?

Dr. Vial prioritizes safety above all else and performs labiaplasty using the safest surgical techniques. However, all surgeries, including labiaplasty, carry inherent risks that Dr. Vial will discuss during your consultation.

The complications unique to labiaplasty that are reported nationally include, but are not limited to:

  • Labial asymmetry
  • Pain with intercourse (rare)
  • Change in urinary stream (rare)

Why choose Dr. Vial for your labiaplasty?

Dr. Vial is a board-certified plastic surgeon with extensive training and experience in labiaplasty procedures. He has trained at the world’s best institutions where many of these procedures continue to be advanced. He makes safety a top priority and has developed a reputation for beautiful, natural results.