The decision to pursue breast enhancement is often very personal. If you are seeking an overall increase in breast size, correction of breast asymmetries, or restoration of breast volume after weight loss or pregnancy, breast augmentation may provide the solution. We strive to bring a sense of proportion and harmony to the body, providing our patients with a renewed sense of self-confidence.
What is breast augmentation?
Breast augmentation is a surgical procedure that enhances breast size. Breasts can be enhanced with implants (saline or silicone) or with fat using fat grafting.
With implant augmentation, implants are placed under the breast gland or under the pectoralis muscle. Implants may be placed using several different surgical techniques, each of which leaves a different type of scar (axillary, inframammary, or periareolar). Each approach has advantages and disadvantages and must match the patient’s goals.
With fat grafting, liposuction is used to take unwanted fat from one part of the body. The unwanted fat is then grafted into the breasts to enhance size. The advantage of fat grafting is that there is no implant.

Who is a candidate for breast augmentation?
In general, candidates for breast augmentation in Bend:
- Are in good physical and mental health
- Do not have underlying medical conditions that preclude surgery
- Have an up-to-date mammogram, if over 30 years old
- Have finished breastfeeding for more than 6 months with breasts no longer changing size
- Are non-smokers or are willing to stop smoking one month before and one month after the procedure
- Do not use nicotine products, or are willing to stop using products one month before and one month after the procedure (gum, chews, patch, vape)
- Are not exposed to second-hand smoke
- Have realistic expectations from the surgery
- Want to enhance their breast size and appearance
What are the types of breast implant material?
Silicone implants have several advantages – they are lightweight and have a natural look and feel. The main disadvantage of silicone implants is the risk of “silent rupture.” All implants have a small chance of rupture over time, but silicone implants can rupture without causing physical signs. The FDA recommends that women with silicone implants have their implants imaged by MRI biennially; if a rupture is discovered, the implant should be replaced or removed. Silicone implants are FDA approved for patients 22 years and older.
Saline implants have different advantages than silicone – scars can be minimized, and there is no risk of “silent rupture.” If a saline implant ruptures, the breast size decreases, and the saline is safely absorbed by the body. The main disadvantage of saline implants is that they tend to have a firmer, more unnatural feel than silicone. Saline implants are FDA approved for patients 18 years and older. The shell of saline implants is made of silicone.
The advantage of fat is that there is no implant to maintain. Implants are not forever devices and require maintenance. Another advantage is that fat is taken from another area where it is not wanted. The disadvantage of fat grafting is that not all the grafts take, and some of the fat is lost. Multiple stages of fat grafting may be needed to achieve a desired size. To find the right method of breast augmentation in Bend that suites your needs, consult our specialist.
What determines
breast implant size?
Implant size is selected by the patient in consultation with Dr. Vial. Although any size of augmentation is theoretically possible, implants that are too large to be adequately supported by the patient’s tissues may lead to undesirable outcomes, including thinning of the skin, premature sagging of the breasts, and exposure of the implant. Because of this, the patient’s breast tissues dictate the maximum size of the augmentation.
What are my breast implant placement options?
Above the pectoral muscle (subglandular)
In subglandular placement, also known as “above the muscle” placement, the breast implant is placed above the chest muscle and underneath the existing breast tissues. Subglandular placement is suitable for patients with sufficient existing breast tissues. If the patient does not have sufficient breast tissues, the implant can be visible through the skin and look unnatural. Subglandular placement provides more upper pole fullness and rounding. This type of placement has a higher risk of capsular contracture (scaring around the implant).
Under the pectoral muscle (submuscular)
In submuscular placement, also known as the “under the muscle” placement, the breast implant is placed under the chest muscle. This type of placement looks more natural and reduces the rate of capsular contracture. Submuscular placement necessitates longer recovery periods and more post-surgery discomfort. In thinner patients, this is the preferred placement to disguise the implant. However, submuscular placement has the disadvantage of having an animation deformity. Animation deformity is visible movement of the implant when the pectoralis muscle is activated.
How is breast augmentation performed?
Your breast augmentation in Bend starts with a consultation with Dr. Vial. Dr. Vial listens to your concerns, examines your breasts, and discusses your breast implant options. He recommends the technique that will best meet your specific goals, and creates an ideal treatment plan.
Breast augmentation is performed as an outpatient procedure. Depending on your plan, Dr. Vial makes an incision under the breast fold. After making the incision, Dr. Vial makes a pocket and places the chosen implant. Dr. Vial uses the latest implant delivery systems (Keller funnel, iNPLANT) to ensure a no-touch placement through the smallest possible incision. The incision is then closed, and pain blocks are given.
What is the recovery process after breast augmentation?
How you recover in the three months after your surgery determines the outcome for years to come. Dr. Vial will provide a list of step-by-step recovery guidelines after your surgery, and you must follow those instructions accurately.
After the surgery, your breasts will be wrapped with an ace wrap and dressings to reduce swelling. You’ll have to wear support garments around the clock and follow Dr. Vial’s guidelines. You may experience soreness and swelling for 1-2 weeks. Initially, implants appear high and can take several months to fall. You can resume work and low-level activities after 1-2 weeks, but you’ll have to avoid strenuous physical activities for 6-8 weeks.
View Before and After Photos
What are the risks
of breast augmentation?
Dr. Vial places the utmost importance on your safety when it come to your breast augmentation in Bend. He only works with board-certified anesthesiologists and certified nurses to minimize the risk of side effects or complications. However, all surgeries carry inherent risks, including breast augmentation. Dr. Vial will highlight the potential risks of your procedure during your consultation.
The complications unique to breast augmentation that are reported nationally include, but are not limited to:
- Implant rupture
- Breasts too large or too small
- Implant malposition
- Capsular contracture (implant scarring)
- Change or loss of nipple sensation (rare)
Why choose Dr. Vial for breast augmentation?
Dr. Vial is a board-certified plastic surgeon with extensive training and experience in breast augmentation. He has trained at the world’s best institutions where many of these procedures continue to be advanced. He makes safety a top priority and has developed a reputation for beautiful, natural results.